Washing hands with soad in a sink


While your primary point of contact remains your individual agent and account manager at DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance, please reference shared Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources and information here. Our hope is to continue to inform and support you during this time. As always, thank you for the trust you’ve placed in D&D.


SB-1159 Forms & FAQs

Workers’ Compensation (DWC-1) Claim Form

CA COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave for Non-Food Sector Employees

Workers’ Compensation Presumption (SB-1159) FAQ’s

COVID-19 Reporting Spreadsheet


Employee Benefits & Human Resources

COVID-19 FAQs for Participants & Beneficiaries

Federal Agencies Issue COVID-19 Relief for Employee Benefit Plans

Screening Employee Temperatures Upon Returning to Work

Effectively Leading Remote Teams

FFCRA: Notice to Employees + Mandatory Posting Requirements

HR Insights: Furloughs & Layoffs 

Scenarios and Benefits Available

HR Toolkit: The Employers Guide to COVID-19

Preventing Remote Employee Burnout

The CARES Act Makes Changes to Retirement Plans (Video)


Loss Control & Risk Management

CA Governor Signs Executive Order for Workers’ Compensation

Potential Changes in CA’s Workers’ Compensation Rating for COVID-19

Cal/OSHA Interim Guidelines on Coronavirus

Coronavirus Letter and Claim Form (3.16.20)

CDC Guidance for Employees Following a COVID-19 Diagnosis or  Exposure

6 Mental Health Tips for Self-Isolation (Video)

CDC Guidance for Discontinuing Home Isolation and Dealing with an Exposure


Business Continuity

6 Steps for Creating a Return to Work Action Plan (Video)

Federal Agencies Issue COVID-19 Relief for Employee Benefit Plans

Potential Changes in CA’s Workers’ Compensation Rating for COVID-19

CARES Act – Small Business Loan Overview

IRS FAQs – FFCRA Tax Credits for Small and Midsize Businesses

Reopening a Business After COVID-19 Shutdown


Cyber Security

Cyber Security Policy Handbook

Cyber Policy Practices for Medium to Large Size Healthcare Organizations

Cyber Risk Exposure Scorecard – Employee Benefits


Additional Resources

World Health Organization (WHO)

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)


Initial Notice from D&D:

DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Responds to COVID-19