As your insurance broker, it is our goal to provide you with the very best service possible. The following information will assist you in contacting and corresponding with us.

Our Compensation

DiBuduo & DeFendis is compensated for its services through commissions paid by insurance companies and/or fees paid directly by our clients. The commission received by D&D is set forth in individual agreements between D&D and the insurance company. In addition, D&D also has entered into contingency agreements with a small number of insurance companies. These agreements provide additional income to D&D if certain volume and underwriting results are achieved over a fixed period of time on a total book of business written with a specific insurance company. This contingent income is neither tied to a specific account nor guaranteed.

At D&D, contingent agreements have no bearing on the placement of insurance with a specific insurance company. Our recommendation for placement of insurance is based on a number of factors, such as price and extent of coverage, strength of services, including claims adjusting practices and the financial viability of the insurance company as determined by the insurance rating services. Most importantly, at D&D we recommend what we believe is in the best interest of the client under the circumstances with the understanding that the ultimate decision regarding the placement of coverage rests with the insured.