Cyber Liability

Think you are covered? Think again!

  • Business (and personal) data breach
  • Hacking of your website/emails
  • Identity theft
  • Employee privacy liability
  • Cyber extortion
  • Cyber attack / denial of service
  • Unauthorized data access
  • Lawsuits stemming from cyber liability
  • Damage or corruption to your system
  • Loss of business or data from malicious viruses
  • Media liability

Most businesses think their current liability insurance package covers cyber liability, when in fact they DO NOT. Privacy protection and privacy breaches need to be specifically covered with Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage. You are liable if a company laptop is lost or stolen and has customers’ personal information such as social security numbers, tax identification numbers, drivers’ license or birthdate information.

How do you know if you’re covered?

Contact us at D&D and we’ll do a complete assessment and review of your current coverage at no cost to you. We’ll provide you with a report that shows where you might be vulnerable as well as options offered by D&D to protect you and your company.

For more information, please call 800-284-8247.