
D&D protects your company in ways you may not have thought of.

Whether you are directly involved in the oil, gas or electric industries or in a business that supports these industries such as transportation, construction, equipment sales and more, you should know that D&D has an insurance program to protect your company. We offer protection for areas where you may not be covered such as spills and pollution.

Most business owners and managers in the energy industry think their standard liability policy protects them completely. That may not be true.

How do you know if you’re covered for an environmental incident?

Contact us at D&D and we’ll do a complete assessment and review of your current coverage at no cost to you. We’ll provide you with a report that shows where you might be vulnerable as well as options offered by D&D to protect you and your company.

D&D Energy Capabilities include coverage for:

  • Petroleum & natural gas exploration
  • Solar and wind projects
  • Control of well coverage
  • Pipeline and terminal construction
  • Contractor and oilfield equipment
  • Hydroelectric facilities
  • Surface and underground mining
  • Oil and gas distribution
  • Oil and gas lease operators
  • Cogeneration and biomass facilities

For more information, please call 800-284-8247.