An Assurex Global Partner
In 1998, DiBuduo & DeFendis became a Partner Firm in Assurex Global. DiBuduo & DeFendis became only the third agency from California and the first from Central California to become an Assurex Global Partner.
Assurex Global
Founded in 1954, Assurex Global is a unique corporation owned by a select group of independent insurance brokers, strategically located in over 65 cities in the U.S. and Canada, and more than 40 other countries.
The Assurex Commitment
Each Assurex Global Partner commits to an immediate and professional response to requests by other Assurex Global Partners for advice on local insurance conditions, for assistance with local placement of coverages, and other services such as claims and loss control.
The sun never sets on Assurex Global. From Hartford to Hamburg to Hong Kong, Assurex Global Partners are strategically positioned in major commercial centers on six continents.
Assurex Global Clout Is Your Clout
With combined insurance premiums exceeding $29 billion a year, Assurex Global’s Partners have preferred relationships with international and domestic carriers. Assurex Global is the fourth largest broker of commercial insurance in the world — and the top-ranked independent brokerage organization.
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Delivering unsurpassed insurance services, risk management and employee benefits in every major city of the globe.