Vineyard Harvest Bootcamp 2025
DiBuduo & DeFendis Brokers, LLC in partnership with the Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance, is proud to present the 8th Annual Vineyard Safety Boot Camp featuring essential CalOSHA required safety training courses for all vineyard workers.
*Click here to view our Vineyard Harvest Bootcamp brochure for class information and to register.*
Tractor/ATV Operator – Train the Trainer (Spanish)
This training will cover the items needed to certify Tractor/ATV operations in the agricultural industry. Trainers will be provided with the necessary materials to train operators from a classroom perspective. In addition, trainers will then take this knowledge and train their operators in the work setting to ensure operators are competent in Tractor/ATV operations via a skill assessment.
CHIPP Heat Illness Prevention – Supervisor Training (Spanish)
During this training, attendees go over the required materials to conduct the Cal OSHA required supervisor/employee level training. Trainers will be provided with the necessary materials to train employees from a classroom perspective.
First Aid/CPR/AED
Cal OSHA requires agricultural supervisors who manage/supervise employees to have current Adult Only First Aid CPR/AED certifi cation. CHIPP also requires that supervisors with First Aid/CPR training be available to assist employees with heat illness symptoms. We will cover basic Adult First Aid and CPR/AED techniques to stabilize an injured worker for first responders. Participants will receive an Adult First Aid/CPR/AED certification card from the American Red Cross that is valid for 2 years.